1. I am not a good photographer and I know that. Photography is not one of my hobbies.
2. I cant express myself in writing. When I sit down to write I keep on thinking and rarely put pen to paper. (I wish to change that)
3. I hate to request/beg for votes. (I have voted for anyone and everyone who sent me a request for vote). Also I hate all contests/reality shows which determine winners based on votes for e.g. why should the idiot sitting in front of the idiot box and who doesn't know the nuance of singing decide who should win by sending a vote. Most of the times these things are biased and the winner is decided beforehand and he has to pay half the prize money (or half the value of the prize) to the organisers.
4. I'd rather buy it with my own money. I want to deserve this bike. I don't want someone to say to me that I am lucky to win this bike. I would hate that. I WANT TO OWN MY DUCATI AND NOT WIN IT. (People who read Ayn Rand will understand this better) - This is the most important reason.
I hope this clarifies a lot of things.